News & Events


Welcome Home, Sister Eileen

The gates of the IHM House of Studies in Sicuani burst open on Sunday afternoon, March 12, 2023, echoing the words of the psalmist “Go in with glad
songs of praise.” As Sister Eileen Egan entered the gates after being away for three months in the US for a knee replacement, she was greeted with shouts of joy and welcome and many hugs and cheers. Then the music started and she led the procession of IHM Associates and family and friends into the patio where the group did a happy circle dance together. Many other families and friends came to join the welcome which was followed by a 
special luncheon for all.

During Sister’s absence, Sister Norma held evening catechetical classes for adults who desired to receive the Sacraments of Initiation. Norma also
continued the Andean practice of having “Rezania” (to pray) a 6:00 a.m. program for teaching the neighborhood children their prayers, how to pray
the rosary and how to read the Bible. Fifteen of the teenagers helped her with the children. They also petitioned the pastor to have a Mass on Ash
Wednesday at which all the children and other adults were able to receive ashes. As an elected Treasurer for the San Felipe barrio, Norma also went to
work with the barrio officials to petition the mayor to begin work on repairing the road through the neighborhood which is in terrible disrepair. This being
the Year of the Family, Norma gathered families in the neighborhood for a family day each month. It is a day of family fun and Bible reading and lessons on the virtues basic to strong families.

Usually as Lent begins, the Stations of the Cross are held in the downtown cathedral parish, but folks from the Sisters’ Mission parish of San Felipe did
not have any Stations service. Friday evening in their San Felipe church, Ancilla began to have the Via Crucis for the people in the neighborhood. The
children in the neighborhood who were on summer vacation were hanging out and begging Ancilla and Irene Espirella to open the library, which they

Ancilla continues to work on several grants for: 1) a vehicle for the residence for elderly poor and abandoned persons, 2) seed and workshops for
Campesinos who suffered from a devastating, huge fire that destroyed miles of farmland and animals and homes, 3) a grant to finish the kitchen building
for La Divina Providencia for the elderly, and, 4) one for food for the children in the San Miguel School for Exceptional Children as well as new therapy equiptment for them.

Pictured above, second from left Sister Eileen Egan, and in the middle, Sister Norma Poma Arpi.