Peace & Justice
We defend, empower and stand with those are denied full human dignity.

Reexamining Right to Life in Light of Our Chapter Commitment to Bold Discipleship
We need to speak, write, and work vigorously to correct and lift burdens that cause the right to life to be challenged in any way.

God’s “Temple of Humanity” at the US-Mexico Border
Asylum seekers depend on the compassionate care of people who believe that God resides in the “Temple of Humanity” and who do not turn a blind eye to their brothers and sisters’ angst and suffering.

Love Subverting the World: A Peace and Justice Perspective
Yes, it is love that subverts the world. By
the grace of the Holy One, may we remain
in that revolution of truth, of mercy, of
justice that boldly witnesses to God’s
dream of abundant life for all people,
today and every day.

Wound Care: A Peace and Justice Perspective
In our work for a more just and inclusive world, may we listen with the ear of the Holy One so that we may truly hear the cries of our world.

IHM Corporate Stance on the use of the Death Penalty
We, the Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, declare our opposition to the use of the death penalty.