Peace & Justice
We defend, empower and stand with those are denied full human dignity.

Too Much to Bear
by Sister Joyce C. Bell, IHM, Social Justice Coordinator, Sisters of IHM, Immaculata, PA Social Justice is gospel living through actions which embody the principles of Catholic Social Teaching. As I crossed the border from Reynosa, Mexico, to McAllen, Texas,…

A Global Sisterhood
Sister Judy O'Brien explores what a global sisterhood means to her.

Above, Below, Around, Within: Soul Connections
Sister Chris Koellhoffer explores "Above, Below, Around, Within: Soul Connections" from a Justice and Peace perspective.

Green burials and our faith
The practice of green burial is completely consistent with the Catholic faith and its tradition of burying the dead.

“Scranton’s Story, Our Nation’s Story”
Sister Donna Korba is featured in the "Scranton's Story, Our Nation's Story" project—an exploration of local and national identity, history, community and belonging.

Risking Kinship: A Peace and Justice Perspective
In sharing our IHM charism of God’s unconditional love, may we grow together into new understandings of what it means to authentically live the Gospel.

Touchstones: A Peace and Justice Perspective
The questions remain: How will we move forward now, living lives of compassion and peace and inclusion? How will we create with our lives a field of healing presence for our beautiful yet wounded world?

What table flipping needs to be done today?
Let this be the time to cross the thresholds before us.

Walking on the Two Feet of Love
It is my conviction that as the future of religious life emerges, we, sisters cannot cease from witnessing to the Reign of God with imagination, fresh thinking and hope, aware that “any attempt to practice the same spirituality as Jesus would entail learning to speak out boldly as he did—and face the consequences.”

The Value of Discomfort
“When I think of Jesus flipping the
tables in the temple, I imagine the chaos that ensued, people furious at him for upsetting the status quo. Yet throughout the gospels, Jesus taught things that made people uncomfortable.”