Pastoral/Spiritual Ministries
We are using our gifts to meet the spiritual hungers of people through pastoral ministries in parishes and diocesan offices, schools, hospital and nursing home chaplaincies, and peace and justice offices.

Preparing Couples in Sicuani
Sisters Eileen and Norma have spent weeks preparing Peruvians for the sacraments of baptism, eucharist, confirmation and marriage.

Summer Missionary Work
Over the summer months, Sisters go to parishes in New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania to share the missionary ministry of our Sisters in Peru.

IHM Sisters reach out in Peru
The Sisters informally call it, “the Ministry of the Doorbell.” In Peru, Sisters of IHM are serving some of the poorest regions in South America

Sister Jane Gaughan, IHM: “It’s the right place at the right time.”
Sister Jane brings her gift of enthusiasm and happy demeanor to her ministry.

Sister Beatrice Caulson, IHM: “in the presence of God”
The name Beatrice means “Blessed or Bringer of Joy and Happiness and a mirror upon which Divine Love is reflected and, consequently, serves as the pilgrim’s bridge to salvation.” For a person who has spent many years of her life in Spiritual Direction, one might say that Bea Caulson has just been living up to her name.

Our Lady of Grace: Let the children come to me.
"Let the children come to me. Come all who are weary."

Sister Ann Parker, IHM: “Come, follow me”
My days as IHM are full of life and possibilities. I am grateful to God for the gift of vocation that enables me to be about the mission of Jesus in the world today.