We serve God’s people in a variety of ministries, living and working lovingly among all persons.

Welcoming and accompanying migrants
How are we OSP-IHM sisters, associates and friends responding to the plight of migrants from our own backyard?

Ministry at the Border update December 2022: Serving the Haitian population
“Bondye beni yo! Bondye beni nou! (God bless them! God bless us!)”

IHM Leaders Visit the OSP-IHM Border Community
“We come together here in this moment of our OSP/IHM history to ask for the blessing of God upon our response to the refugee crisis at the Texas/Mexican border.”

What table flipping needs to be done today?
Let this be the time to cross the thresholds before us.

Walking on the Two Feet of Love
It is my conviction that as the future of religious life emerges, we, sisters cannot cease from witnessing to the Reign of God with imagination, fresh thinking and hope, aware that “any attempt to practice the same spirituality as Jesus would entail learning to speak out boldly as he did—and face the consequences.”

God’s “Temple of Humanity” at the US-Mexico Border
Asylum seekers depend on the compassionate care of people who believe that God resides in the “Temple of Humanity” and who do not turn a blind eye to their brothers and sisters’ angst and suffering.

Ministry at the Border update September 2022
It seems right, and even providential, that in following Theresa Maxis’s urging to “go where the need is” that we find ourselves face to face with our Haitian brothers and sisters.

Ministry at the Border core group
This core group of sisters will establish a community in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas.

Sister Ann Parker, IHM: “Come, follow me”
My days as IHM are full of life and possibilities. I am grateful to God for the gift of vocation that enables me to be about the mission of Jesus in the world today.

Ministry at the Border: An invitation from God
I believe that the plight of our brothers and sisters at the US-Mexico border is one of those invitations from God that IHMs would find difficult to ignore.