We serve God’s people in a variety of ministries, living and working lovingly among all persons.

Encountering God on the Journey
Thousands of migrants continue to leave their countries in search of a better quality of life for their families. On that journey, they experience the need to be filled and nourished by God and they discover the strength that allows them to continue on their way.

What is Title 42, Title 8 and the CBP One App?
Because the number of those crossing into the US has decreased, there is a greater need to accompany migrants on the Mexican side of the border.

Holy Week Services at the Border
It is truly a privilege to accompany our migrant brothers and sisters in McAllen, Texas and Reynosa, Mexico.

One Sister’s Vocation Efforts in the Classroom
When Elizabeth was asked to teach religion, she said to herself, “Do NOT be boring!”

Welcoming Student Service Groups
The OSP-IHM Border Community has a commitment to accompany high school and university students who would like to participate in the mission.

Strangers no more… Beloved… Blessed
"I have called you by name; you are mine." -Isaiah 43:1

Being Human
How do you respond to persons with disabilities when you see them anywhere? The answer to that question is simple: do what you would want done to you.

The Gift of Mutual Vulnerability
As pioneer members of the new intercongregational collaborative mission, these sisters are fulfilling a dream shared by each of the three IHM Congregations.

Thank you! ¡Gracias! Mèsi!
The OSP-IHM Core Community at the US-Mexico border would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to our sisters and associates who attended the presentation on February 13 via zoom or livestream.

Welcome, Carmen, to McAllen, Texas!
Sister Carmen, who is one of the four members of the OSP-IHM Core Community at the US-Mexico border, arrived on January 11.