We serve God’s people in a variety of ministries, living and working lovingly among all persons.

“Scranton’s Story, Our Nation’s Story”
Sister Donna Korba is featured in the "Scranton's Story, Our Nation's Story" project—an exploration of local and national identity, history, community and belonging.

Ministry at the Border Updates October 2023
Our shared histories On Sunday, September 24, the feast of Our Lady of Mercy, Sister Terry Saetta, RSM, invited our core community of IHM sisters, living and ministering at the border, to participate in a vocation event at Sacred Heart…

Sister Rose DiFluri, IHM retires after decades in Catholic education
As Sister Rose stepped into the new chapter of her life, she carried with her not just memories of her years in education, but the countless lives she had touched and transformed.

NativityMiguel School of Scranton: A Seed was Planted…
A dream shared, a seed planted, the earth readied, roots strengthened, the tree thriving in the energy of co-sponsorship making happen what alone would be impossible.

Mother Seton Academy, Baltimore, Maryland: A Dream… A Mission… A Cause…
Who is... what is... Mother Seton Academy that is located in the heart of inner city Baltimore?

Co-Sponsorship: The Heart of the Matter Through the Lens of ASEC
The ASEC story is due to consistent efforts to attend to key principles essential to the intensive collaboration necessary for effective co-sponsorship.

Friends of the Poor: What I Have Received…
We aren’t just a social service agency. We are a sponsored ministry, and that means we are so much more. We are a sliver of hope, a safe place to land, and hand to hold when the journey becomes too much to bear alone.

Our Lady of Grace: Let the children come to me.
"Let the children come to me. Come all who are weary."

Saint Joseph’s Center: Rooted in the core values of care, concern, compassion and commitment
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” - Margaret Mead

Risking Kinship: A Peace and Justice Perspective
In sharing our IHM charism of God’s unconditional love, may we grow together into new understandings of what it means to authentically live the Gospel.