Marywood University
Marywood University is a comprehensive, independent, private, Catholic university sponsored by the IHM Sisters.

MU’s Truth, Racial Healing, and Transformation Center named in honor of Theresa Maxis
On Thursday, May 9, the Marywood University Truth, Racial Healing, and Transformation (TRHT) Center was renamed in honor of Mother Theresa Maxis, IHM.

Sister Rachel Terry, IHM: “When we pay attention to the stirrings in our hearts”
When we pay attention to the stirrings in our hearts and the events of our daily lives we become more and more aware that it is in little, ordinary things that God is communicating to us.

100 years of the Marywood University Alma Mater
This year is the 100th anniversary of the writing of the Alma Mater for Marywood University.

Marywood University: Moving Forward with Purpose
As a vital IHM-sponsored institution, inspired by its founding vision and strengthened by its willingness to respond innovatively and strategically to its emerging future, Marywood University is moving forward with purpose.

IHM Sponsored Ministries: A Response to the Divine Call
When I ponder IHM sponsorship, I think of the God vision that was Marywood, Saint Joseph’s Center, Friends of the Poor and Our Lady of Grace. The sisters who dreamed these ministries into being aligned themselves with God’s vision for the world community. They listened carefully to God’s call and trusted that these ministries would evolve and bear fruit.

IHM Sister Receives Award
Sister Kathryn Clauss was the recipient of the Sister M. Denis Donegan Award for Long Term Service to Marywood University, the most prestigious award bestowed by the Marywood Alumni Association.

Warmly Welcomed to Ghana
Last month I was fortunate to participate in an ASEC service learning program in Elmina, Ghana, with students and faculty from Marywood University and Chestnut Hill College.

Sister Angela Kim, IHM: “Opening myself up to God’s plan”
My letting go of self and opening myself to God's plan led me to a tremendous inner peace and joy and a desire to follow wherever God would lead me.