We as a congregation are aware and appreciate the richness inherent in the many areas of diversity among us. We are committed to living interculturally for the common good of the global community.

IHM Associates Help Celebrate Holy Week
Way of the Cross Wednesday of Holy Week at 5:30 a.m. a crowd of young people, residents of the IHM House of Studies, some IHM Associates and parishioners met at the Sisters’ house to begin the Way of the Cross. The journey throughout the…

Sister Norma Poma Arpi, IHM: “Mi vocación con Jesús y su Evangelio”
Cada hermana que he conocido, ha colaborado para que mi vocación crezca y se fortalezca. / Each sister I have met has collaborated so that my vocation grows and becomes stronger.

Sister Angela Kim, IHM: “Opening myself up to God’s plan”
My letting go of self and opening myself to God's plan led me to a tremendous inner peace and joy and a desire to follow wherever God would lead me.

Interculturality: Sister Miriam Joseph Reinhardt
Sister Miriam Joseph shares her experience of entering into another culture. She recounts her experience of growing up in a family with German and Austrian-Hungarian parents before, during and after World War II.

Interculturality: Video 3
Types of Communications / Estilos de Comunicación

Interculturality: Video 2
Monocultural, Cross-Cultural, Multicultural and Intercultural Living / La Vida Monocultural, Transcultural, Multicultural e Intercultural

The Cultural Iceberg: Exterior/Surface Culture and Interior/Deep Culture
How do you express and live your culture in the way you pray, celebrate, and relate to others? / ¿Cómo expresas o cómo vives tu cultura en la forma que oras, que celebras o cuando te relacionas con los demás?