


Education is one of our primary ministries, with half the Congregation actively involved in stimulating the energies and ideals of preschool through adult students.

Sisters from the US and Haiti

IHM Sponsored Ministries: A Response to the Divine Call

When I ponder IHM sponsorship, I think of the God vision that was Marywood, Saint Joseph’s Center, Friends of the Poor and Our Lady of Grace. The sisters who dreamed these ministries into being aligned themselves with God’s vision for the world community. They listened carefully to God’s call and trusted that these ministries would evolve and bear fruit.

OSP/IHM Committee Healing Racism

Healing Racism in our Schools

In the spring, sisters in the three IHM Congregations and the Oblate Sisters of Providence were invited by the OSPIHM Healing Racism Committee to join one of three suggested human trafficking) to address issues of justice facing all Americans. Members on the revisionist education subcommittee…