Education is one of our primary ministries, with half the Congregation actively involved in stimulating the energies and ideals of preschool through adult students.

Co-Sponsorship: The Heart of the Matter Through the Lens of ASEC
The ASEC story is due to consistent efforts to attend to key principles essential to the intensive collaboration necessary for effective co-sponsorship.

Our Lady of Grace: Let the children come to me.
"Let the children come to me. Come all who are weary."

IHM Sponsored Ministries: A Response to the Divine Call
When I ponder IHM sponsorship, I think of the God vision that was Marywood, Saint Joseph’s Center, Friends of the Poor and Our Lady of Grace. The sisters who dreamed these ministries into being aligned themselves with God’s vision for the world community. They listened carefully to God’s call and trusted that these ministries would evolve and bear fruit.

IHM Sister Receives Award
Sister Kathryn Clauss was the recipient of the Sister M. Denis Donegan Award for Long Term Service to Marywood University, the most prestigious award bestowed by the Marywood Alumni Association.

Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of St. Paul’s in Cranston, RI
The 100th anniversary of St. Paul's in Cranston, RI, was celebrated on September 15, 2023.

Planting and tending seeds
A beautiful spirit of collaboration is renewing the face of the Earth here in Scranton.

Remembering St. John’s/St. Mary’s Schools, Cresson, PA
We have a wonderful example of two sisters, each of whom served God and God’s people in her own way—either by her simple, childlike spirit or by her roles of leadership and administration.

Warmly Welcomed to Ghana
Last month I was fortunate to participate in an ASEC service learning program in Elmina, Ghana, with students and faculty from Marywood University and Chestnut Hill College.

Healing Racism in our Schools
In the spring, sisters in the three IHM Congregations and the Oblate Sisters of Providence were invited by the OSPIHM Healing Racism Committee to join one of three suggested human trafficking) to address issues of justice facing all Americans. Members on the revisionist education subcommittee…

One Sister’s Vocation Efforts in the Classroom
When Elizabeth was asked to teach religion, she said to herself, “Do NOT be boring!”