Care for Creation
Read how we are committed to education, advocacy, and action for the sale of Earth, our Common Home.

IHM EarthCare Update
Read about why "All Flourishing Is Mutual."

IHM EarthCare Update
The dream of the EarthCare committee was born of a profound desire to honor and protect our Common Home through Consciousness-Action-Concern for Earth.

IHM EarthCare New Year Update
A new year invites us to look at Earth, our Common Home, with fresh eyes.

IHM EarthCare Advent Update
This month, our EarthCARE committee is delighted to share notes of appreciation for the gift of our land at the IHM Center.

Readying Ourselves for Autumn
As summer draws to a close and we ready ourselves for the season of autumn, our EarthCARE committee invites us into a reflection on the many learnings of this upcoming season.

Tender Flesh
Dive into a deeper kinship with all of creation.

The Soil, the Seeds and the Sisters
It’s time to get our hands in the dirt and make things grow. From compost to seedlings to planting, it takes a village to create an IHM Friendship Garden.

Green burials and our faith
The practice of green burial is completely consistent with the Catholic faith and its tradition of burying the dead.

Composting as an Act of Transformation
When we turn what we would normally discard (food scraps and yard waste) into fertile, living soil teeming with microbial life, this is an act of transformation.

Lessons from the bees
There are countless lessons we can learn from these tiny insects about working together and self-sacrifice for the good of the whole.