IHM Archives
We collect and preserve the recorded history and artifacts of our IHM congregation in the IHM Archives.

From Teacher to Principal to Assistant Librarian
The story of Sister Michael Mary Colligan, IHM.

Educating Educators
The story of Sister M. Aloysius Smith.

Theater and Costume Designer to Documentand Recreate Traditional IHM Habit
Darrin Pufall Purdy visited the IHM Archives in early January to document the traditional IHM habit.

Miraculous Healing?
The story of Sister M. Celestine Moran.

A Leader in Education
The story of Sister Mary Leo Malone.

Celebrating our IHM Founding 179 Years Ago
"Today we journey back into the lives of our founders, the brave hearts of Sister Theresa Maxis Duchemin and Father Louis Florent Gillet. "

Where Did She Go?
The story of Mother Crescentia Foster.

Remembering Our Roots
Each November we IHMs celebrate Founders Day, our beginnings,
our roots, our foundation.

Woman of Mystery
How did a young woman get from Kansas, to Michigan, to Scranton, Pennsylvania?

A Woman Ahead of Her Time
Archives spotlight about our Sister Rebecca Bean, who served as a nurse and pharmacist.