
In Memory

Sister M. Irene Dunlea, IHM

July 20, 1850 – October 16, 1941

Sister M. Irene Dunlea, IHM, of the Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary died on Thursday, October 16, 1941 in Cresson, Pennsylvania.

She was born on July 20, 1850 in Susquehanna, Pennsylvania, and given the name Julia. She was the daughter of the late John and Bridget Ann Mahoney Dunlea. She entered the IHM Congregation on September 12, 1876, received the religious habit on February 13, 1877, and made profession of vows on August 27, 1878.

Sister Irene enjoyed her years of teaching in our IHM mission schools, including at St. Joseph School in Williamsport, PA, St. Joseph School in Renovo, PA, and St. John’s Home in Cresson, PA.

She was preceded in death by a two brothers, Reverend William P. and Thomas J., and three sisters, Catherine Keeling, Mary Irene, and Katie.

She is survived by a sister, Margaret of Pittsburgh, PA, a brother, John H. of Susquehanna, PA, and nieces and nephews.

Interment is at St. Aloysius Cemetery in Cresson, Pennsylvania.

Memorial contributions may be made to support the retired IHM Sisters c/o the IHM Sisters Retirement Fund, IHM Center, 2300 Adams Avenue, Scranton, PA 18509.

” The first was St. Joseph’s, Williamsport, where Reverend Eugene Garvey, later the Bishop of Altoona, was pastor…So it was built, and with the approbation of the Right Reverend Bishop, the Sisters of the Immaculate Heart were requested to take charge of it. Mother Francis gladly responded to the call and in September, 1878, sent Sister M. Anastasia as superior with the following band of Sisters: Sister M. Xavier, Sister M. Casimir, Sister M. Louis, Sister M. Irene, and Sister M. Agnes.

Father Garvey and the people of Williamsport gave the Sisters a cordial welcome. They had not the means of building a convent, so Father Garvey had the rectory fitted up for the Sisters. Saint Joseph’s at Williamsport was then the farthest mission from the motherhouse, and the departure of the little band had caused more excitement than does the departure of a mission band in these days for the far West. “

Excerpted from The Sisters of the I.H.M.: The Story of The Founding of The Congregation of the Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and Their Work In The Scranton Diocese by Sister M. Immaculata Gillespie, IHM, P.J. Kenedy & Sons, NY, 1921, pgs. 169, 170

“Saint Joseph’s School, Renovo, was opened in September, 1902. When the new Diocese of Altoona was formed in 1901, Renovo, which formerly belonged to the Harrisburg Diocese, was included in the Altoona Diocese, and the Sisters of Mercy were recalled to the mother house in Harrisburg. The pastor, Reverend J. J. Ludden, then applied for the Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The mission was accepted and the mission band composed of Sister M. Irene as superior. Sister M. Raphael, Sister M. Gerard, Sister M. Matthew, Sister M. Romaine and Sister M. Nepomucene
re-opened the school. They found it in a flourishing condition and the pupils well trained.”

Excerpted from The Sisters of the I.H.M.: The Story of The Founding of The Congregation of the Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and Their Work In The Scranton Diocese by Sister M. Immaculata Gillespie, IHM, P.J. Kenedy & Sons, NY, 1921, pgs. 320

“The Sisters gladly accepted the trust and on January 4, 1909, the Sisters appointed left Mount Saint Mary’s to take up the work. They were Sister M. Irene, Superior; Sister M. Ann, Sister M. Antoinette, Sister M. Huberta, and Sister M. Teresina.

When the Sisters arrived at Cresson, they were met by the Right Reverend Bishop, the Reverend Fathers Garvin, Farren, and Munley, and welcomed to their new home. They found a perfectly appointed house which the good ladies of the Summit had put in readiness for them.

Saint John’s Home was built for boys, but until the erection of the new orphanage for girls. Saint John’s accommodated both boys and girls.”

Excerpted from The Sisters of the I.H.M.: The Story of The Founding of The Congregation of the Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and Their Work In The Scranton Diocese by Sister M. Immaculata Gillespie, IHM, P.J. Kenedy & Sons, NY, 1921, pgs. 317

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