Sister M. Emeria Brundage, IHM
September 5, 1927 – July 23, 2005

Reprinted from “In Memoriam” section of Journey, Winter 2006 issue
Memories, happy or sad, are precious. One happy memory was on February 2, 1947, when Catherine Brundage (Sister Emeria), a sweet, humble teenager followed the footsteps of her dear aunt, Sister Annunciation (RIP), to become a Sister, Servant of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. During her years of the novitiate and after profession, she collected a dynamic bag of tools: analytic skills, endless creativity, teaching knowhow and a willingness to work hard but always with a penchant for fun with a lot of spunk. Through listening, caring and guiding, Sister Emeria inspired young children around her to reach their full potential. She wore many hats during her teaching experience. At Marywood College her charisma reflected her wit, charm, rich ethnic background, love of students, family and friends.
She was a recipient of the Cor Mariae medal for her service at Marywood, which included acting chair of the Special Education Department and coordinator of Academic Advisement.
Her most difficult days came as she struggled with her loss of independence. She was always grateful to those who helped her. She offered her suffering for their intentions. Sister Emeria loved to cry whether she was happy or sad. The lines from a prayer by Isla Richardson are a reminder of our Emeria: “Grieve not, nor speak of me with tears, but laugh and talk of me as though I were beside you, I loved you so, ’twas heaven here beside you.”
by the February Band of ‘47
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