Become an Associate

We embrace our IHM Associates as women and men from all states of life and various creeds who are seeking a deeper experience of God for their own transformation and for the transformation of the world. Attracted by the charism of the IHM Sisters, Associates join with the sisters in the living out of the IHM charism within the context of their lives. This relationship between sisters and associates creates a mutual bond that widens the circle of Jesus’s unconditional love for all.
Read more: Twenty Years of the IHM Sister-Associate Relationship
What is the IHM Associate Relationship?
While IHM Associates are not members of the congregation, do not make vows or assume the responsibility of membership, they are an integral part of the life of the IHM Congregation and mission to the people of God. Because associates resonate with the gift of the IHM charism, they feel called to make a commitment to live the vision and values of the IHM Sisters within the context of their own lives and responsibilities. Living out their identity as associates, they gradually come to understand more fully their lives and work/ministries as expressions of God’s loving presence.
- It is not membership.
- It is an extension of IHM Charism and living the mission of Jesus.
- It unites members (IHM Sisters) and non-members for the sake of Jesus’ mission.
- It is a MUTUAL relationship with the IHM Sisters through a formal commitment to participate in the life and mission of the congregation.
How does a person become an IHM Associate?
- Gather information and discern God’s call with prayerful reflection.
- Discern and prayerfully consider this choice.
- Get in touch with our Director of Associates.
- Complete the application
- Commit to personal prayer, reflection and faith sharing in a Circle of Grace.
What do the IHM Sisters offer Associates?
- Share the heritage of joyfully participating in the redeeming love of Jesus
- Extend hospitality to IHM gatherings
- Offer relevant communication to: deepen their spirituality; live out the charism and core values; relevant information for mission;
- Provide opportunities for prayer, community, celebration and service.
What is the time commitment?
- Once a circle is formed the group agrees to meet on a regular basis.
- The group uses the IHM Prayer Journal which provides specific information and prayerful reflection on the congregation, its charism and mission, the core values and spirituality that reflect the IHM identity.
- The Circle of Grace will meet for 16 sessions for an hour to an hour and a half each session.
- Prior to or during this time you are invited to visit the IHM Center.
What happens after the sessions are completed?
- Participate in a retreat in which you prayerfully reflect and begin to write your Covenant.
- Write a letter to the President of the Congregation requesting to formalize the associate relationship and submit a copy of your Covenant.
- A date is set for a ceremony to bless that bond between the associate and the sisters.
What do Associates DO?
- Extend God’s unconditional love
- Participation on Congregations committees
- Volunteer at Our Lady of Peace; IHM Archives
- Volunteer at a parish food pantry
- Volunteer at Friends of the Poor, local parishes
- Leadership roles in convening and facilitating gatherings
How does an IHM Associate share in the mission of Jesus?
- Maintain their individual lifestyles as they continue to grow spiritually. This spiritual journey is rooted in Gospel values and is then reflected to their lives.
- Associates strive to live the IHM Core Values in their families, work places, and all their relationships.
- IHM Associates nurture the relationships among themselves, the sisters and in all their encounters.
- Some associates minister in various ways in their local communities, parishes, or places of worship. Some minister to the homebound, coordinate Faith Formation programs, or work in outreach programs that address the needs of adults, children or different vulnerable populations.

Contact the Director of Associates
Contact Sister Ruth using the form below or by calling 570-963-2480.
Living into the future
In virtually all cases people seek association with Religious Congregations because they want to grow in the spiritual life and assume full adult responsibilities in the Church for the world…Are religious being called to a new ministry in the church just as our forebearers were called to the very new mission of offering education, health, and social services to the immigrant Catholics. Perhaps Religious congregations are being called to undertake the ministry of promoting the emergence of the laity into their full adult responsibility and ministry to which the Council called them but the institutional Church is often unequipped and/or unwilling to promote.
Finding the Treasure by Sandra Schneiders, IHM