Year End Giving
Remembering the IHM Sisters at Christmas…
The holiday season is a special time. We reflect on our blessings and consider the heart of the season – giving of ourselves to others. This year, we ask that you please consider making a year-end gift to the Sisters of IHM as part of your holiday giving. Your generosity supports important mission projects and helps care for our retired Sisters, who have dedicated themselves to serving so many. Thank you for your support!
Facts About Year End Giving
- All gifts made on or before December 31 may be tax deductible for this tax year.
- For information about various ways to give, see the Support the Sisters links on this page.
- Gifts of securities (stocks, bonds, mutual funds) are some of the best gifts to make whether they have appreciated or depreciated in value.
- Depending on your age, income, and the size of your gift, you may be able to carry over your charitable gift tax deduction to subsequent years.
- A charitable contribution may just be the right decision to enable you to itemize your taxes (lowering your tax bill) if you don’t already.
- Check with the broker about avoiding a last minute rush for your year-end gifts of securities.
Read More:
Consult with a financial advisor or tax professional for advice on your specific tax situation. For information about giving a gift to the IHM sisters, contact Sister Ann Monica Bubser, IHM at 570 346-5431 or
The First Christmas Gift…
Christmas and Year End Giving is not only a Catholic tradition, but Christmas marks the beginning of the Ultimate Gift – God’s gift of His only son, Jesus Christ.
Tradition holds that the three kings, or wise men, followed the star to bring gifts to the newborn king, beginning a tradition of gift giving to the Christmas season we enjoy each and every year.
But what about the gifts that God has bestowed upon us during the year and throughout our lifetime? We are merely stewards of these gifts. Christmas and year end giving is a spiritual opportunity to make a return to God of His many blessings at Christmas and year’s end.

Questions? Contact:
Sister Ann Monica Bubser
IHM Development Director
Phone: 570-346-5431
It is the policy of the IHM Development Office to protect the privacy of our friends and donors. We do not share the names and addresses of our benefactors with other organizations. We value your friendship.