Planned Giving
Naming the Sisters of IHM as the beneficiary of your life insurance policy may be an option for you to make a lasting donation. In the event that you may not need your life insurance policy, or that this policy will not benefit identified survivors, this could be the right – easy – choice for you to further support the IHM mission.
If you are interested in learning about other ways you can help the Sisters of IHM by making a planned gift, please contact Sister Ann Monica Bubser.
Sister Ann can provide you with information about planned giving vehicles such as: Charitable Gift Annuities, Charitable Remainder Trusts and Charitable Lead Trusts. Your philanthropic advisor or financial planning advisor can help you determine which planned giving vehicle is best for you and your charitable intent.

Sister Ann Monica Bubser
IHM Development Director
Phone: 570-346-5431
The information on this page is not intended as legal or tax advice. For legal or tax advice please consult an attorney or tax professional.