Preparing Couples in Sicuani
Sisters Eileen and Norma have spent weeks preparing Peruvians for the sacraments of baptism, eucharist, confirmation and marriage.
We’re happy to share recent news about our Sisters in ministry. Check back for updates.
Sisters Eileen and Norma have spent weeks preparing Peruvians for the sacraments of baptism, eucharist, confirmation and marriage.
Each November we IHMs celebrate Founders Day, our beginnings,
our roots, our foundation.
Vol. 32, No. 3
Join the Sisters of IHM for our next Come and See weekend, November 15-17, 2024.
IHMs celebrate Indigenous Peoples’ Day on October 12 by bird watching at the IHM Center Land Restoration.
Joyce RuppPraying Our Goodbyes p. 21-22 The trees grow more restless;October wind weaves through them;they shake their arms in dismayas if to fight the coming coldand the grief of leaves going. Autumn air does a heart-danceon branches already gone barren;the…
This is the call I heard deep within my heart twenty years ago. The Associate Program was a new endeavor that Sister Jean Louise Bachetti was coordinating for the congregation. At that time, I was living alone in North Beach,…
Sister Doreen Willis, IHM, was recently honored for her 55 years years of service as a Catholic school teacher.
What do migrants at the US-Mexico border have in common? 78% of them have been kidnapped.
A New York family travels to Sicuani for a service project.