Tips for Living Emotionally Well
Tip #1 “Therefore, I tell you, do not worry about your life.” Luke 12:22 As in so many of life’s ways, I believe that Jesus sets us on a path, offering tips, if you will, for keeping ourselves emotionally well.…
Sisters and friends of the Sisters of IHM share their spiritual reflection.
Tip #1 “Therefore, I tell you, do not worry about your life.” Luke 12:22 As in so many of life’s ways, I believe that Jesus sets us on a path, offering tips, if you will, for keeping ourselves emotionally well.…
Maintaining our emotional health as we age is not one size fits all. Our emotional needs will vary at different times as we age. Being aware of the complexity of our emotional health and appraising the facets of our life which impact it, are the roadmaps to feeling good and enjoying
Types of Communications / Estilos de Comunicación
Monocultural, Cross-Cultural, Multicultural and Intercultural Living / La Vida Monocultural, Transcultural, Multicultural e Intercultural
How do you express and live your culture in the way you pray, celebrate, and relate to others? / ¿Cómo expresas o cómo vives tu cultura en la forma que oras, que celebras o cuando te relacionas con los demás?