Sisters of IHM

Sisters of IHM

The Congregation of the Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Scranton, Pennsylvania, are a community of Catholic women religious dedicated to God and service to God's people. Founded in 1845 and inspired by the spirit and purpose of Saint Alphonsus, we participate in the redeeming mission of Jesus by celebrating and proclaiming the Good News of God's unconditional love for all people. While currently serving in United States and Latin America, we live our mission by engaging in and sponsoring a variety of ministries that meet contemporary needs and foster the full development of human potential.
Brown leaves


Joyce RuppPraying Our Goodbyes p. 21-22 The trees grow more restless;October wind weaves through them;they shake their arms in dismayas if to fight the coming coldand the grief of leaves going. Autumn air does a heart-danceon branches already gone barren;the…