IHM EarthCare Advent Update
This month, our EarthCARE committee is delighted to share notes of appreciation for the gift of our land at the IHM Center.
This month, our EarthCARE committee is delighted to share notes of appreciation for the gift of our land at the IHM Center.
Sister Marionette Coll celebrates a milestone birthday.
This yearly membership program helps to raise important funds for retired Sisters of IHM in a fun and engaging way. Congratulations to our winners this month!
Centennial Sunday, which was held November 17, was organized to unite the faithful through a common prayer of thanksgiving and common intercessions for 100 years ofthe Diocese of Raleigh. The celebration stretched across the diocese, through every parish and mission,…
Vol. 42, No. 2: Transformation
"Today we journey back into the lives of our founders, the brave hearts of Sister Theresa Maxis Duchemin and Father Louis Florent Gillet. "
Vol. 32, No. 3
This yearly membership program helps to raise important funds for retired Sisters of IHM in a fun and engaging way. Congratulations to our winners this month!
Joyce RuppPraying Our Goodbyes p. 21-22 The trees grow more restless;October wind weaves through them;they shake their arms in dismayas if to fight the coming coldand the grief of leaves going. Autumn air does a heart-danceon branches already gone barren;the…
Sister Doreen Willis, IHM, was recently honored for her 55 years years of service as a Catholic school teacher.