Sister Kathleen Hassett, IHM
How does Sister Kathleen hope to be remembered? “I try to be kind and thoughtful.”
How does Sister Kathleen hope to be remembered? “I try to be kind and thoughtful.”
Out of all of Sister Alphonsa's talents, the one quality she hopes she’s remembered for is “being kind.”
Sisters, friends and Montessori school teachers
To Sister Joan, teaching piano is challenging and exciting, and it is her greatest joy to share with everyone.
Jeanne spent 46 years as a primary teacher rotating between 1st and 2nd grade - teaching “kindness, gentleness and respect.”
Sister Janet not only perseveres; she’s determined and picks herself up and starts over again.
What a joy to spend retirement with one's best friends!
Sister Jane brings her gift of enthusiasm and happy demeanor to her ministry.
Pat hopes to continue Theresa Maxis’ ministries of caring for the poor and each other, perseverance and social justice.
The name Beatrice means “Blessed or Bringer of Joy and Happiness and a mirror upon which Divine Love is reflected and, consequently, serves as the pilgrim’s bridge to salvation.” For a person who has spent many years of her life in Spiritual Direction, one might say that Bea Caulson has just been living up to her name.