Update from the OSP-IHM Collaborative Border Ministry
Update from the OSP-IHM Collaborative Border Ministry
Update from the OSP-IHM Collaborative Border Ministry
What do migrants at the US-Mexico border have in common? 78% of them have been kidnapped.
The OSP-IHM Collaborative Border Mission received a grant. The funded project addresses the mental health issues of migrant women and their families who are living in Reynosa, Mexico.
When you minister at the US-Mexico border, you begin to realize that everything happens in collaboration, not isolation.
The OSP-IHM Border Mission “Mary, Comfort of Migrants” would like to express its gratitude to the National Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR) and its partner, the Asociación de Hermanas Latinas Misioneras en America (AHLMA) for their recent grant of…
The fluctuation in numbers has not affected our commitment to asylum seekers. In the name of all IHMs and Oblate Sisters of Providence, we continue to accompany our brothers and sisters waiting in Reynosa, and we also welcome migrants who arrive in McAllen.
Our shared histories On Sunday, September 24, the feast of Our Lady of Mercy, Sister Terry Saetta, RSM, invited our core community of IHM sisters, living and ministering at the border, to participate in a vocation event at Sacred Heart…
Because the number of those crossing into the US has decreased, there is a greater need to accompany migrants on the Mexican side of the border.
It is truly a privilege to accompany our migrant brothers and sisters in McAllen, Texas and Reynosa, Mexico.
The OSP-IHM Border Community has a commitment to accompany high school and university students who would like to participate in the mission.