Green burials and our faith
The practice of green burial is completely consistent with the Catholic faith and its tradition of burying the dead.
The practice of green burial is completely consistent with the Catholic faith and its tradition of burying the dead.
When we turn what we would normally discard (food scraps and yard waste) into fertile, living soil teeming with microbial life, this is an act of transformation.
There are countless lessons we can learn from these tiny insects about working together and self-sacrifice for the good of the whole.
Our EarthCARE committee wishes everyone the blessings of Advent and a Christmas season marked by giving that enhances the life of Earth, our Common Home.
During this autumn season, our EarthCARE committee invites all of us to “look a little harder” for signs of God’s extravagant care here on our land and on whatever paths we may walk in the days ahead.
Everywhere we look at the IHM Center we see reciprocity between Earth and us on our land.
A beautiful spirit of collaboration is renewing the face of the Earth here in Scranton.
From September 1 to October 4, 2023, our EarthCARE committee invites us to pray with and explore this year’s theme of “Let Justice and Peace Flow” rooted in the prophet Amos’ cry to, “Let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream.”
Welcome! Welcome, kin!