IHM EarthCare Update
Read about why "All Flourishing Is Mutual."
Read about why "All Flourishing Is Mutual."
Sister Chris explores "Mining the Consequence of Showing Up"
IHMs celebrate Indigenous Peoples’ Day on October 12 by bird watching at the IHM Center Land Restoration.
As summer draws to a close and we ready ourselves for the season of autumn, our EarthCARE committee invites us into a reflection on the many learnings of this upcoming season.
Dive into a deeper kinship with all of creation.
Sister Chris Koellhoffer explores "Above, Below, Around, Within: Soul Connections" from a Justice and Peace perspective.
In sharing our IHM charism of God’s unconditional love, may we grow together into new understandings of what it means to authentically live the Gospel.
The questions remain: How will we move forward now, living lives of compassion and peace and inclusion? How will we create with our lives a field of healing presence for our beautiful yet wounded world?
Yes, it is love that subverts the world. By
the grace of the Holy One, may we remain
in that revolution of truth, of mercy, of
justice that boldly witnesses to God’s
dream of abundant life for all people,
today and every day.
In our work for a more just and inclusive world, may we listen with the ear of the Holy One so that we may truly hear the cries of our world.