Sister M. Felicitas Baxter, IHM: The first sister buried in our cemetery
Have you ever wondered, as you walked or drove past our little cemetery on the Marywood University grounds, who was the first sister buried there?
Have you ever wondered, as you walked or drove past our little cemetery on the Marywood University grounds, who was the first sister buried there?
"Heart Immaculate, Heart so sweet, Diffusing love with ev'ry beat, Lead us to Love!"
This year is the 100th anniversary of the writing of the Alma Mater for Marywood University.
One of our most cherished songs is "Chosen," which has a long history in the community.
We have a wonderful example of two sisters, each of whom served God and God’s people in her own way—either by her simple, childlike spirit or by her roles of leadership and administration.
The feast of the Visitation of Mary and Elizabeth reminds us of a visitation of sorts between Theresa Maxis and a young sister, Sister Genevieve Morrissey.