
Remain in Our Love program

Illustrated heart with the words "IHM Remain in our Love"

Through the Remain in our Love program, monthly special liturgies are held for ministry locations where IHM Sisters have served but are no longer present. These liturgies are offered at the IHM Center Our Lady of Lourdes Chapel at at 8 a.m. monthly.

Included in prayers this month are:

Our Mass Wednesday, March 26, will be for the 

Diocese of Scranton, PA

Albright Community Services, Williamsport, PA
All Saints Academy/St. Patrick School, Scranton, PA
Bishop Hafey High School, Hazleton, PA
Bishop Hoban High School, Wilkes-Barre, PA
Bishop O’Reilly High School, Kingston, PA
Catechetical Center, St. Agnes, Hughesville/Muncy, PA
Catechetical Center, Wellsboro, PA
Catechetical Center, St. Agnes Forest City, PA
Children’s Service Center of Wyoming Valley, Wilkes-Barre, PA
Christ the King Elementary School Dunmore, PA
Costello Day Nursery, Williamsport, PA
East Stroudsburg University, Campus Ministry, E. Stroudsburg, PA
EOTC Family Matters, Scranton, PA
Fatima Renewal Center, St. Joseph’s Center, Dalton, PA
Holy Child Elem. School, Plymouth, PA
Holy Name of Jesus Elementary School, Forty Fort, PA
Holy Name of Mary, Catechetical Center, Montrose, PA
Holy Name/St. Mary Parishes, St. Rocco, Swoyersville, PA
Holy Rosary Elementary School, Scranton, PA
Holy Rosary High School, Scranton, PA
Immaculate Conception Elementary School, Pittston, PA
Immaculate Conception Elementary School, Scranton, PA
Immaculate Heart of Mary Convent Education / Spiritual Renewal Center, Cresco, PA
Keystone National High School, Riverside, PA
Laurel Hill Academy, Susquehanna, PA
Lourdesmont Youth and Family Services, Clarks Summit, PA
Lycoming College, Williamspot PA
Manor Care Health Service, Williamsport, PA
Manor Care Nursing Home, Jersey Shore, PA
Marywood Seminary, Scranton, PA
Met Life Insurance, Clarks Summit, PA
Monsignor McHugh School, Cresco, PA
Nativity Elementary School, Scranton, PA
Our Lady of Lourdes Parish, Montoursville, PA
Our Lady of Lourdes Parish, Tobyhanna, PA
Our Lady of Peace Elementary School, Clarks Green, PA
Presbyterian Home, Muncy, PA
Queen of Apostles Parish, Avoca, PA
Reading and Religion Consultants, Peckville, PA
Sacred Heart Elementary School, Jermyn, PA
Sacred Heart H.S./Marian Cmty Hospital, Carbondale, PA
Senior Craftsmen Shop, Scranton, PA
Seton Catholic High School, Pittston, PA
St. Agnes Place, Elmhurst, PA
St. Ann Church, Hispanic Outreach, Tobyhanna, PA
St. Ann Elementary and High Schools, Scranton, PA
St. Basil Elementary and High Schools, Dushore, PA
St. Boniface Parish, Williamsport, PA
St. Cecilia Elementary School, Exeter, PA
St. Cecilia High School–Bishop Hannan/Holy Cross High Schools, Scranton, PA
St. Charles Elementary School, Sugar Notch, PA
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish, Swoyersville, PA
St. Francis of Assisi Parish, Scranton, PA
St. Francis Parish, Nanticoke, PA
St. James Elementary School, Jessup, PA
St. John Elementary and High Schools and Parish, Pittston, PA
St. John Elementary and High School Scranton, PA
St. John Elementary School, Susquehanna, PA
St. John Evangelist Parish, Honesdale, PA
St. John Neuman Regional Academy, Williamsport, PA
St. Joseph Elementary School, Williamsport, PA
St. Joseph High School Williamsport, PA
St. Joseph Parish, St. Rocco, Pittston, Hudson, PA
St. Joseph Shelter, Scranton, PA
St. Joseph’s/Marian Community/Maxis Health System Hospital CHE Carbondale, PA
St. Jude Church/St. Frances Cabrini, Carverton, Mountaintop, PA
St. Lawrence Elementary School, South Williamsport, PA
St. Leo Elementary and High Schools, Ashley, PA
St. Mary Annunciation, Catechetical Center, Kingston, PA
St. Mary Elementary School, Avoca, PA
St. Mary Elementary School, Pittston, PA
St. Mary Parish, Nanticoke, PA
St. Michael’s School for Boys, Hoban Heights, PA
St. Nicholas/St. Mary School, Wilkes Barre, PA
St. Patrick Convent, Catechetical Center, Milford, PA
St. Patrick Elementary and High Schools, Olyphant, PA
St. Patrick Elementary and High Schools, Scranton, PA
St. Patrick Elementary School, White Haven, PA
St. Patrick Orphanage, Scranton, PA
St. Paul Elementary and High Schools, Scranton, PA
St. Thomas Elementary School, Archbald, PA
Tri-Churches, Jessup, PA
Tyler Memorial Hospital, Tunkhannock, PA
Valley View Housing Project, Scranton, PA
Volunteers of America, Williamsport, PA
Volunteers of America, Scranton, PA
Women’s Resource Center, Scranton, PA
Wyoming Area Catholic School, Exeter, PA