Spiritual Reflections
Keeping Room in Our Hearts
Sister Katie explores "Keeping Room in Our Hearts"
Autumn invites us into her embrace, unfolding a rich, majestic landscape that reflects the beauty and power of transformation. Together, we enter this season as a community of seekers, drawn to the vibrant hues of the changing leaves and soon, to the delicate, bare branches that will remain. This moment invites us to gaze in awe at the richness and simplicity of creation, to see beyond the surface and become more aware of the hidden wholeness that lies within.
In this edition of Journey, the authors share a collective story—a call to reflect on both the spiritual and human aspects of the path toward a conversion of heart. Through these reflections, we are invited to:
- Live from a place of deep gratitude, while also embracing the loss and grief that can transform us;
- Listen for the call to draw closer to God’s dream for us all;
- Be doers and hearers of the Word, attuned to the voice of God speaking within and around us;
- Be ignited with love for God, choosing to be bridges of love and action in the world;
- Act as catalysts for change, allowing transformation to unfold within and around us;
- Listen attentively to the subtle and clear invitations from God, exploring how we are being called to transform our hearts for the sake of the common good.
As you reflect on the call to conversion of heart, consider using questions to help you understand your own personal journey of transformation. Richard Rohr, OFM, reminds us that questions “can free us to be vulnerable, allowing us to enter that liminal space where God’s grace can surround us, and where we can begin to realize that we are not in control.”
Questions can help us to listen more attentively, inviting us to hear what God is planting in our hearts. As you consider entering more deeply into the transformative love that may be calling you, you might consider reflecting on questions such as:
- What are you truly seeking? (John 1:38)
- From where does your desire for transformation arise?
- What is emerging within you, waiting to unfold?
- What is challenging or unsettling you at this moment?
- How are you being drawn into a deeper experience of God’s redeeming love?
- Why is this calling so important now, at this point in your life?
As IHM Sisters, we are committed to living this journey of transformation intentionally.
As vowed members, we believe that our journey of ongoing transformation thrives in an environment of inclusivity, trust, and deep listening. This commitment invites us to love unconditionally and embrace a unity that rejoices in diversity. Together, we pray, contemplate, and dialogue to deepen our identity as women religious living in the spirit of the Gospel and our founders. From this deep collective center, we extend our joyful, loving, hospitable, and self-emptying service to the people of God.
(IHM Constitutions, 50)
May this season of transformation stir within us a new desire to “Keep some room in our hearts for the unimaginable” (Mary Oliver, 2009) as we encounter the blessings and challenges in the days ahead.