
Stories from the Archives

Where Did She Go?

The story of Mother Crescentia Foster.

Mother Crescentia Foster, IHM

Miss Mary Foster was born in Scranton in 1859 and attended St. Mary’s Seminary, where she received first honors in her junior year. She was an accomplished music student and played the cornet. She entered the IHMs, was received in 1877, and given the name Crescentia. She was professed in 1879. She served at St. Cecilia Academy and Holy Rosary School as teacher and superior. During the term of Mother Mary Jackson, Sister Crescentia was appointed Sister Assistant. Upon the death of Mother Mary Jackson, Bishop Hoban appointed Sister Crescentia as Superior General – 1899 to 1901. Later she became directress of the Seminary. In 1913 she was appointed as the first superior and principal of St. Alphonsus School in New York, NY. Archives has no record of what she taught, but one newspaper account stated that she taught music.

Have we ever wondered about the saint for whom we were named? It is interesting to note that the following statement concerns St. Crescentia Hoess, TOR, (born in Kaufbeuren, Bavaria, Germany in 1682), possibly the saint for whom Mother Crescentia was named. “Under her, the financial state of the convent improved and her reputation in spiritual matters spread.” This quotation also describes Mother Crescentia who continued Mother Mary’s plans for the building of the new motherhouse. The motherhouse was not completed under Mother Crescentia’s term, but she did conduct the groundbreaking and laying of the cornerstone for the new building.

The title above refers to two obituary accounts of her death which state that she had been to Cuba with Mother Germaine O’Neill for the purpose of opening a mission there; however, no record of any such visit or possible mission exists. In our holdings for Mother Germaine, there is reference to her prolonged visit to Puerto Rico prior to the date of Sister Crescentia’s death (1916). It is possible that the newspapers confused the location. Sister Crescentia was not feeling well upon her return to the States and she developed pneumonia, which caused her death at St. Alphonsus in New York. Mother Crescentia Foster is buried here at Marywood.

Sources used:
“Beloved Sister Crescentia Passes Away in New York”, The Times-Tribune, April 12, 1916. Accessed: August 19, 2024.
“Academy of the Immaculate Heart”, Pittston Gazette, July 4, 1872. Accessed: September 18, 2024.
“Impressive Scenes at the Funeral of Mother Crescentia”, Pittston Gazette, April 14, Accessed September 18, 2024
“Personal Mention”, Pittston Gazette, April 11, 1916. Accessed September 18, 2024.
“Mother Crescentia, Formerly Mary Foster, Died Last Evening”, Pittston Gazette, April 12, 1916. Accessed September 18, 2024.
Excerpted from The Sisters of the I.H.M.: The Story of The Founding of The Congregation of the Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and Their Work In The Scranton Diocese by Sister M. Immaculata Gillespie, IHM, P.J. Kenedy & Sons, NY, 1921, p. 457- 459.
“St. Crescentia Hoess, Saint of the Day” Franciscan Media. 2024. Accessed October 7, 2024.

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