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Experiencing Synodality at Work
When the Sisters from different communities and geographies gather, excitement engendered by prayerful conversation grows, unifying and enriching the Church as a whole.

Many IHM Sisters of the Diocese of Scranton have contributed to dialogue groups as part of the Synod on Synodality called by Pope Francis. Sisters participated on different levels, from individual and religious life groups to parish gatherings. Many Sisters were chosen as delegates to Diocesan-wide discussions and some became representatives to the continental level. Catholics from all parts of the world voiced thoughts, ideas, concerns, and suggestions about the Church. The delegates sat together, prayed in the Spirit, and discerned — their minds and hearts opened to new ways of being a Church. They humbly and courageously came to respect and appreciate each other as true believers formed in the image of God and Jesus the Redeemer.
In October of 2023, for the first time, non-bishops – including laymen and women – had a vote among the 364 voting members of the Synod. Now, dialogue groups worldwide will contribute to a second round of prayer and discernment. In October 2024, the document formulated after the Synod meetings will be presented to the delegates of the Universal Church for a second round of discernment. After the discussions, the Bishops of the Synod vote, paragraph by paragraph, to approve it. The Pope will use that document to inform his decisions following the synod.
When the Sisters from different communities and geographies gather, excitement engendered by prayerful conversation grows, unifying and enriching the Church as a whole. The Sisters foresee that this will be the most inclusive way the Church will operate in the future and are grateful that they have had a part in crafting the process of synodality.