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Feasting on the abundance of Earth, our Common Home
Everywhere we look at the IHM Center we see reciprocity between Earth and us on our land.
This time of year is all about harvest. We feast on the abundance Earth, our Common Home, has provided for us and our winged and furry friends on the IHM Center land. We offer thanks for the ways our Mother has sustained us through the springtime of greening and growing and our tending of her gifts. Now we enter autumn where our Mother shows her appreciation in her fruits ripening and maturing.
Everywhere we look at the IHM Center we see reciprocity between Earth and us on our land. Our EarthCARE committee would like to share a few juicy and delicious examples of that mutual sharing:
- Sisters and IHM Center staff have come to the dining area to enjoy tomatoes from the garden and pears from the fruit trees.
- Sister Ann Berendes has harvested zucchini from the vine and transformed it into delicious zucchini bread shared with local IHM Center communities.
- During June, our feathered friends delighted in service berries. So did our human neighbors! During the IHM Center retreat in June, retreatants picked service berries which Sister Suzie Armbruster then turned into service berry cobbler for everyone.
- Elderberries also provided a treat for the birds in our neighborhood. Sister Kathleen Lunsmann then made elderberry jam and donated it to Heartworks.

We are grateful to all who have had a hand in the planting, tending, and harvesting of these gifts of our planet.