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Planting and tending seeds
A beautiful spirit of collaboration is renewing the face of the Earth here in Scranton.

Earlier this year, as part of the Lenten and Easter season, Sisters residing at the IHM Center planted seeds of various annuals in reused plastic containers filled with soil. These same sisters then tended to the growing annuals—zinnia, coreopsis, cardinal flower, marigold, and black-eyed Susan—until the seedlings were strong enough to be planted outside.
The next step in this growing process involved participants in the S.T.A.R.S. (Students Together Achieving Remarkable Success) program, part of a two-week summer camp utilizing Marywood University and IHM Welcoming Space facilities. S.T.A.R.S. seeks to create a middle school to college pipeline for underserved Latino/a/x youth through continuous collaboration with their families, school districts, community organizations, churches, and Marywood University’s diverse offices.

During the two-week S.T.A.R.S summer program, Donna Korba and Jan Novotka offered three morning sessions for the students about Earth Matters. This included the planting of seedlings that the Sisters had faithfully tended in their seed cups during the Lenten season.

Our EarthCARE committee offers deep thanks to the Sisters who planted and tended the seeds as well as to the S.T.A.R.S. students who joined Donna and Jan in transferring the seedlings safely outside to our land. Photos of the lovely faces of the annuals and the lovely faces of the planters are shown here along with our enduring gratitude for this tender care for our planet.