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Season of Creation: “A Mighty River”

From September 1 to October 4, 2023, our EarthCARE committee invites us to pray with and explore this year’s theme of “Let Justice and Peace Flow” rooted in the prophet Amos’ cry to, “Let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream.”

"Let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream." -Amos 5:24

It can be wonderfully affirming when a theme we’ve been pursuing and mining finds fresh emphasis from another source.

During our Chapter of 2022, we reflected on the theme, “Let this be the time.” All through our days together, we were reminded of this focus by the colorful currents of a river on the walls of the Theresa Maxis Conference Center. We asked, “Who is in the river with me/us?” and “What is stirring in the waters?”

Now we’re invited to revisit those questions by joining the worldwide Christian community in entering into the 2023 Season of Creation. From September 1 to October 4, 2023, our EarthCARE committee invites us to pray with and explore this year’s theme of “Let Justice and Peace Flow” rooted in the prophet Amos’ cry to, “Let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream.” (Amos 5:24) It seems no coincidence that the symbol for this year’s Season of Creation is “A Mighty River,” reflecting our Chapter image of a flowing river.

During this Season of Creation, we call for justice not only for the human family but for all creation. We are called to repent of our ecological sins and to change our attitudes and actions. We are called to live in peace and to build life-giving relationships with God, the human family, ourselves, and all creation. As the people of God, we must work together as part of that mighty river of peace and justice.

More information and resources for observing the Season of Creation will be coming soon. Our EarthCARE committee is grateful for all the ways each of us continues to take up climate and ecological justice and speak out for communities most impacted by the loss of biodiversity.

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