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Healing Racism in our Schools

In the spring, sisters in the three IHM Congregations and the Oblate Sisters of Providence were invited by the OSPIHM Healing Racism Committee to join one of three suggested human trafficking) to address issues of justice facing all Americans.
Members on the revisionist education subcommittee included Scranton IHMs Ancilla Maloney, Jane Snyder, John Michele Southwick and Fran Fasolka. Committee members wrote a letter to the US Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona and to the US Department of Education, as well as to their state representatives detailing some of the concerning inflammatory connections between racism, discrimination, education, and curriculum. The letter suggested the viewing of the address by Nathan Monell, Executive Direction of the National Parent Teacher Association, given at The American Federation of Teachers Convention in 2022. The link to Nathan Monell’s address is:
This letter can be read here and we suggest that sisters, associates and friends consider sending this letter to the US Department of Education, their State Department of Education, and to their state government officials:
A portion of the letter reads,
“Courses that Governor Ron DeSantis is trying to eliminate and books banned from school libraries by a vociferous minority are symptoms of challenges that teachers and students are facing. Whitewashing of our history does everyone a disservice. There is no factual teaching of US history without truthfully embracing our failings as well as our achievements. Our citizens are being assailed with controversy whipped up by small groups. Monell’s speech is balanced, it is truthful, it is backed up by statistics, it is engaging for everyone who is concerned with the false narratives and fear-based attacks on teachers, curriculum, and books. Mr. Monell said that 57% of students in our schools are students of color. Do all students deserve to be taught the truth? Should the white students not have to feel bad? Students in Massachusetts have recently held walkouts to protest racial incidents in their schools. Protests by students, teachers, and parents are on the rise across the country. We must be faithful to the mission that promises prohibition of discrimination and equal access to education. One final quote from Mr. Monell’s speech: ‘68% of parents worry about politicians (who are not educators) making decisions about what happens in the classroom.’ This is our purpose in writing this letter to you. We implore you to share Mr. Monell’s speech throughout the nation through every form of media and social media. Mr. Monell’s message is powerful, and can serve to educate all, including our politicians.”