Sister Stories
Sister Kelly Ann Quinn, IHM
As I met the Sisters and was able to pray with them and spend time with them, I knew that I wanted to be a part of the community.

The Immaculate Heart of Mary Congregation has always played a large part in my life. My mother had a great aunt who was an IHM sister, Sister Lawrence Tierney, and Sister Lawrence had a great aunt who was an IHM sister, Sister Laurence Doyle. I was educated by the sisters at St. John’s School in Binghamton, NY and attended Marywood College where I met up with them once again. My mother was a graduate of Laurel Hill Academy in Susquehanna and regaled us with stories of the sisters throughout my childhood. If I was going to choose a community to join, how could I go anywhere else?
I believe my personal journey to religious life began in 7th grade. I felt God stirring my heart to serve in some way. I loved the rituals of the Church ~ the stations of the cross, participating in the liturgy through the readings and altar serving, and the great celebrations that took place at holidays. Of course, in 7th grade I mostly wanted to be with my friends and have fun.
As I entered high school, I found great peace in attending daily school liturgy as often as I could and loved participating in the mission club. As it came time to choose a college to attend, I felt a very strong pull to Marywood. I loved the campus and the spirit immediately. As I met the Sisters and was able to pray with them and spend time with them, I knew that I wanted to be a part of the community. Their welcoming spirit to all and their obvious sense of commitment and dedication took hold of my heart and although I at times fought it I always returned to wanting this vocation for my life.
Sister Kelly Ann currently serves as the principal at Our Lady of Grace Montessori School in Manhasset, NY.