
Sister Stories

Sister Angela Kim, IHM: “Opening myself up to God’s plan”

My letting go of self and opening myself to God's plan led me to a tremendous inner peace and joy and a desire to follow wherever God would lead me.

Sister Angela Kim, IHM

I left my home in South Korea and came to the U.S. in November 1984. Many people wonder what prompted me to leave my country and family to join a religious congregation here. Initially I had not planned to join an American order, but my spiritual director, a Korean religious, spoke of a global church and the need to participate in a global mission beyond the boundaries of race and ethnicity.

At first her suggestion made little sense to me since all my family and friends were in Seoul, Korea at that time and I could not see what this global church had to do with me or how I would serve God’s people in such a church. My final “yes” to God’s call to leave my homeland and go to the States came when I realized how vulnerable and limited I was when I tried to live my life on my own.

My letting go of self and opening myself to God’s plan led me to a tremendous inner peace and joy and a desire to follow wherever God would lead me.

My departure from South Korea was sad but full of inner excitement and trust.

Before I entered the IHM Congregation, I lived for a while in the motherhouse. During that time I carefully observed the mission of the congregation and the sisters’ lifestyle and the dynamics of their life together. The main attractions to join IHM were the community’s warm hospitality toward me and the congregation’s commitment to fully support each sister to utilize her God given talents and gifts in ministry. I felt that the congregation’s pledge to encourage each sister’s sacred mission gave me the confidence that God’s plan for me could be realized in this community. With this conviction I became eager to learn more about our congregation’s constitutions. It gives me great peace to realize how blessed I am to live each day as an IHM Sister.

Sister Angela is currently serving on the faculty of Marywood University in Scranton, PA.

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