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Ministry at the Border core group
This core group of sisters will establish a community in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas.

This core group of sisters will establish a community in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas. This creation of an inter-congregational community will be a concrete expression of our charism.
In McAllen, Texas and in Reynosa, Mexico, the sisters can engage in direct service to asylum seekers who need temporary respite and help contacting their sponsors in the US.
Sister Mary Elaine Anderson

Scranton IHM, Professed 1976
“Here I am Lord… I will go, Lord, if you lead me. I will hold your people in my heart.”
These words remind me that all of life is a passionate response to God’s crazy love for us. That love has led me to walk humbly with the people of Peru, hold sacred the stories of traumatized women and children and accompany women in initial formation. Today, I believe that God is inviting the OSP and IHM sisters to hold asylum seekers and immigrants in our collective heart as we join with others at the border and proclaim God’s unconditional love for all, especially the most vulnerable.
Sister Elvia Mata Ortega

Scranton IHM, Professed 1997
“Yahweh then said, ‘I have indeed seen the misery of my people. I have heard them crying for help on account of their taskmasters. Yes, I am well aware of their sufferings.’”
Ex. 3:9
I feel called to work with my migrant people. My family and I have lived the experience crossing the Mexican-USA Border, and I know how painful that journey could be. I feel I can contribute something to this ministry.
Sister Carmen Armenta Lara

Monroe IHM, Professed 1996
“Impulsada por el Espíritu deseo continuar acompañando a los más necesitados.”
Mi nombre es Carmen Armenta Lara. Soy de la comunidad IHM de Monroe MI. Trabajo en la Diócesis de Ciudad Juárez, en la pastoral. Mi profesión de primeros votos fue en 1996. Es mi deseo ser parte del proyecto para migrantes en McAllen, porque veo mucha Esperanza para nuestras Comunidades y poder continuar sirviendo a más personas necesitadas en otro lugar. Yo me considero una migrante en estos momentos como la mayoría de las personas en Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, México.
Sister Rose Patrice Kuhn

Immaculata IHM, Professed 1969
Pray for us as we “welcome the stranger.”
Mt. 25:35
I am grateful for my mission experiences in Chile, in Peru and in Hispanic parish communities in the Philadelphia archdiocese. After joining our sisters at the border last summer, I am delighted to be part of this collaborative community and to accompany asylum seekers in McAllen and Reynosa.