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Florida Associates Join Service Project

The associates from St. Petersburg, Florida decided to do a joint service project, collecting for Pinellas Hope, a home for the homeless. Begun in 2007 with 10 acres of land donated by the Diocese of St. Petersburg, the project is now in its 5th phase on 20 acres of land. These phases include the addition of tents, shipping containers that were refigured into three room cottages (which offer safety from storms, security with locked doors, and comfort with air conditioning), 76 efficiency units and a new medical clinic with offices and patient rooms for post-operative homeless individuals to recuperate from a hospital stay. This trailer was donated by Bay Care Health Systems’ St. Anthony’s Hospital. Pinellas Hope continues to provide a safe living environment for homeless individuals and support for them to become self-sufficient. Since its opening in 2007, it has served more than 1.7 million meals and helped more than 10,000 homeless men and women. 

FL Associates 3 - 3-23-2022

Rose Coryn and Sister Flo Marino, representing the IHM associates, brought donations of blankets, towels, bedding, snacks, chairs, plates, plastic utensils, and other needed material for those living there. The associates hope to continue this relationship with Pinellas Hope.

IHM associates include Beverly Capanna, Joan Morey, Sheri Scheutzow, Jane Shafer, Rose Coryn, Mary Lynn Delfino, and Amy Kinnard.

Marino-FL Associate 3-23-2022
Sister Flo and Rose Coryn